Contact Kansas Imaging Consultant Billing

Please visit the patient billing portal MyDocBill to view your statement, check your balance, set up a payment plan, or update your insurance. Image of Zotec Partners Website

As a follow up to your visit, you may receive a text, email, phone call, or paper statement to:
Confirm insurance information
Inform you of a denial from insurance
Offer easy ways to make a payment

We would love to hear from you! If you have questions about your bill, please send us a message here, chat with one of our representatives on the patient billing portal, or call 844-465-7155.

Please direct payments to:  KANSAS IMAGING CONSULTANTS, PA
                                            PO BOX 645
                                            WICHITA, KS  67201-0645

Have questions or want to learn more about MyDocBill? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page.

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